We celebrated baby boy's first birthday yesterday and my heart is still so full. I can't wait to share all the pics with you!
Minggu, 28 Juli 2013
Jumat, 26 Juli 2013
Five on Friday
I'm linking up with Darci again for Five on Friday!
I'm so far behind... On blogging, on cleaning my messy house, on party planning.. Ahhh! Well they say you know what happens when you catch up right? Soooo, I'll just be happy to be alive and behind.
1. Chalkboard Sign-Speaking of party planning. Hanks first birthday party is tomorrow. I can think of a zillion things I should be doing. This little project still needs some finishing touches. And I'm not thrilled with the way it turned out. And, its my 4th one!! Chalkboard posters are hard y'all. Outsource that job!
2. Sangria. Ever since I had the sangria at Carrabas last week it's all I could think about. I googled copycat recipes and found one quite close. I posted my Saturday uniform last weekend on insta. Sangria and Lilly beach pants- I plan on making that tradition.
3. Swim Lesson Fail. I started Carsyn in swim lessons Monday. Our last day was Tuesday. Spending an hour in the pool with the Hankster on my hip while Carsyn cried "I want my mommy" to the swim instructor was no bueno. I think they were doing celebratory cannonballs on our way out of the parking lot. Maybe next year.
4. The Seussical. We took Carsyn and Maddox to the local theatre to see the Seussical Tuesday night. She just loved it so much, I really think (and hope) she'll be on that stage one day.
5. The sweatshirt. I'm kind of over summer already. It's rained and rained and rained. Getting the Fall Jcrew didn't help my mood. I need this stat.
Happy Friday!!! We're celebrating Hank's First Birthday tomorrow-I'll try to post a sneak peek over the weekend.
Jumat, 19 Juli 2013
Hank is 1!
Baby boy, Hanky-boo, Hanky, Hankers. Where do I begin?
I cannot believe you are 1 year old today. I cannot believe its been a whole year since Daddy placed you in my arms and my heart melted with one look at those baby blues. I kissed that sweet red head and I was smitten. And continue to be every day.
Our love for you has grown so much Hank. You are the jolliest little fella. Oh, you have quite the temper when things don't go your way, but you love to laugh. You squish your little nose up and snicker all the time.
Your big sister, Carsyn can make you laugh harder than anyone else. You love her so much and are beginning to play along side her. You love to play peep-eye with her in the car.
You still love bath time and love to splash. You're also really fond of the swimming pool. We just got back from the beach and you loved the sand and ocean.
Your hair is a very light strawberry blonde and your eyes are the bluest I've ever seen.
You weigh 22 lbs 9 oz and are 30" tall. I call that a little chunky, but you are all muscle!! And already stronger than your big sister! She's beginning to lose toy battles.
You are wearing 12 and 18 month clothing.
You are crawling and pulling up and cruising. You will let go of an object and stand on your own for just a minute before you fall down.
You have such a great appetite! You love sweets and pizza the most. You've eaten 8 mini pancakes and 3 pieces of pizza in one sitting.
You are still a thumbsucker, but love your blankie even more. You have to have it before you go to sleep and love snuggling with it in the car.
We love you sweet prince!! Happy Birthday
I cannot believe you are 1 year old today. I cannot believe its been a whole year since Daddy placed you in my arms and my heart melted with one look at those baby blues. I kissed that sweet red head and I was smitten. And continue to be every day.
Our love for you has grown so much Hank. You are the jolliest little fella. Oh, you have quite the temper when things don't go your way, but you love to laugh. You squish your little nose up and snicker all the time.
Your big sister, Carsyn can make you laugh harder than anyone else. You love her so much and are beginning to play along side her. You love to play peep-eye with her in the car.
You still love bath time and love to splash. You're also really fond of the swimming pool. We just got back from the beach and you loved the sand and ocean.
Your hair is a very light strawberry blonde and your eyes are the bluest I've ever seen.
You weigh 22 lbs 9 oz and are 30" tall. I call that a little chunky, but you are all muscle!! And already stronger than your big sister! She's beginning to lose toy battles.
You are wearing 12 and 18 month clothing.
You are crawling and pulling up and cruising. You will let go of an object and stand on your own for just a minute before you fall down.
You have such a great appetite! You love sweets and pizza the most. You've eaten 8 mini pancakes and 3 pieces of pizza in one sitting.
You are still a thumbsucker, but love your blankie even more. You have to have it before you go to sleep and love snuggling with it in the car.
We love you sweet prince!! Happy Birthday
Senin, 15 Juli 2013
Beach Favs
Beach by jenhts featuring victoria secret
1.) VS Pink Cover up- I bought one in every color. Effortless, reasonably priced, and it covers my bum. For some reason I can't find it online, but here's a similar look.
2.) Jacks- The ultimate summer sandal. Looks great with shorts, dresses, and even bikinis.
3.) Monogrammed Bikini- I was hesitant to jump aboard this train, but they're just too cute to resist. This lady does awesome work,
4.) Lilly Tote- Essential for all your beach/pool goodies.
5.) VS After Sun Lotion- Smells delicious and super moisturizing.
6.) Naked Flushed Palette- Perfect summer glow!
7.) Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray- I recently tried this out and although it leaves my hair a little too frizzy when used alone the smell keeps me using a small amount in conjunction with their grooming creme.
8.) Leg Shine- Not too glittery and a floral scent-A little goes a long way!
9.) Sunscreen for the babes-duh. I like to use a 50 on my face too.
10.) YSL Rouge Volupte Shine- the creamiest long lasting lipstick I've found.
Selasa, 09 Juli 2013
Cinderellie, Cinderellie
We went to the little town of Abingdon,VA recently to watch Cinderella at the Barter Theatre. I was a little concerned because Carsyn got confused and thought we were going to Disney. Oops. She insisted on wearing her glass slippers and actually enjoyed the whole play! Hank wasn't quite as enthralled, but luckily Pops came along to take care of him. Actually, both mine and Shane's mom and dad came along and we had such a nice day. A friend suggested we eat lunch at The Peppermill and it didn't disappoint!
Kamis, 04 Juli 2013
Selasa, 02 Juli 2013
On the Ropes
Pictures are deceiving, wouldn't you agree? I often envision capturing that perfect moment when Carsyn is smiling at Hank and he is being perfectly still while W and I stare blissfully at the camera with pressed clothing and perfectly applied lipstick. (On me only of course, because W doesn't wear it and Carsyn has yet to learn less is more).
Anyway we were waiting for Hank to finish his bear bait pancake breakfast Sunday morning and I convinced W to get a picture of me and baby girl on the porch. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining and its going to be a good day. I feel it.
I was wrong. Sort of. We head into church with one shoe missing and one button popped off and I remind myself those are unimportant things. We drop Hank off at the nursery and head to sit with our friends. Carsyn is a little ticked she has been torn away from the toys in the nursery but her spirit quickly brightens when we spot Kyria. (Bless you Kyria. I adore you.) We break out the snacks and sing. Things are good.
I turn my shoulder to see Hank coming my way. No surprise. He's going through mommy issues and likes to be on my hip a lot. If you see me years down the road and I walk lopsided you can accredit that to Hank. However my biceps are fairly impressive and you can accredit those to him also. You win some, you lose some.
I think he might be wet or hungry and figure I'll take him out for a bit and mistakenly ask Carsyn to go with us. She's giddy because she thinks she gets to go play in the nursery now. Mom fail # 1. Ever since VBS she thinks church is going to be filled with play and dance. In fact she asks every Sunday if they are going to be singing the wiggle song. Fun times.
Hank is fairly content now that he's united with momma and Carsyn is beyond discontent that she's forced back inside church, torn from blocks and kitchens and books and friends. I make my way back to our seats with Carsyn who is showing signs of a major melt down. I keep trying to explain that church is for listening and not for playtime and she just does not get it. I figure its best we leave.
And in that one moment the tears are welling up in my eyes and I feel like the biggest failure ever. I'm failing my children, I'm failing God. I'm just frustrated. Frustrated my children cannot make it through one Sunday service. Frustrated at myself for even expecting them to. Why should I expect them to sit like grown ups and not make a peep. How am I willing to give up that quickly? What am I teaching them?
As I make my way out the doors my dear friend is in my footsteps. (Hi Susan if you're reading!) And she tells me to get my butt back in there and she's taking Carsyn to the other building for children's church. Carsyn is happy to go and I whip a snack out of my bag for Hank and enter those doors again.
I start listening to this Pastor and funny enough he's talking about "being on the ropes." Do you ever stop to think about what that really means? You see, as I was shuffling Hank back and forth and shoveling blueberry Nutri-grain goodness down his throat I knew exactly what the pastor was talking about. Being on the ropes- the implication of being overcome with weakness and distress. And I thought I was there. I was down for the count; ready to give up, when a sweet friend rescued me.
I am unwilling to give up on the Lord. I am unfaltering in my faith. Unwavering. But, what does it say about me to give up so easily on my children?
Where do you go when you're on the ropes?
Do you come back up swinging, or lay down in defeat?
Anyway we were waiting for Hank to finish his bear bait pancake breakfast Sunday morning and I convinced W to get a picture of me and baby girl on the porch. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining and its going to be a good day. I feel it.
I was wrong. Sort of. We head into church with one shoe missing and one button popped off and I remind myself those are unimportant things. We drop Hank off at the nursery and head to sit with our friends. Carsyn is a little ticked she has been torn away from the toys in the nursery but her spirit quickly brightens when we spot Kyria. (Bless you Kyria. I adore you.) We break out the snacks and sing. Things are good.
I turn my shoulder to see Hank coming my way. No surprise. He's going through mommy issues and likes to be on my hip a lot. If you see me years down the road and I walk lopsided you can accredit that to Hank. However my biceps are fairly impressive and you can accredit those to him also. You win some, you lose some.
I think he might be wet or hungry and figure I'll take him out for a bit and mistakenly ask Carsyn to go with us. She's giddy because she thinks she gets to go play in the nursery now. Mom fail # 1. Ever since VBS she thinks church is going to be filled with play and dance. In fact she asks every Sunday if they are going to be singing the wiggle song. Fun times.
Hank is fairly content now that he's united with momma and Carsyn is beyond discontent that she's forced back inside church, torn from blocks and kitchens and books and friends. I make my way back to our seats with Carsyn who is showing signs of a major melt down. I keep trying to explain that church is for listening and not for playtime and she just does not get it. I figure its best we leave.
And in that one moment the tears are welling up in my eyes and I feel like the biggest failure ever. I'm failing my children, I'm failing God. I'm just frustrated. Frustrated my children cannot make it through one Sunday service. Frustrated at myself for even expecting them to. Why should I expect them to sit like grown ups and not make a peep. How am I willing to give up that quickly? What am I teaching them?
As I make my way out the doors my dear friend is in my footsteps. (Hi Susan if you're reading!) And she tells me to get my butt back in there and she's taking Carsyn to the other building for children's church. Carsyn is happy to go and I whip a snack out of my bag for Hank and enter those doors again.
I start listening to this Pastor and funny enough he's talking about "being on the ropes." Do you ever stop to think about what that really means? You see, as I was shuffling Hank back and forth and shoveling blueberry Nutri-grain goodness down his throat I knew exactly what the pastor was talking about. Being on the ropes- the implication of being overcome with weakness and distress. And I thought I was there. I was down for the count; ready to give up, when a sweet friend rescued me.
I am unwilling to give up on the Lord. I am unfaltering in my faith. Unwavering. But, what does it say about me to give up so easily on my children?
Where do you go when you're on the ropes?
Do you come back up swinging, or lay down in defeat?
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