Jumat, 27 Maret 2015



When we went to Nashville  I had a lot of peeps ask about my jeans.  (on the left below).  These are actually 7 jeans from maybe 5 years ago?  They are called the Roxanne skinny and are frankly lower rise than what I'd like but the wash is pretty perfect so they haven't made the toss pile yet.  I can't find these exact ones, but here's a similar pair. 

Pictured on the right are my newest jean obsession. The Current/Elliot Soho zip ankle stiletto.  Found here.  I love that they are super stretchy and are coated so they are more opaque than most white jeans.


I took the kids to see the Easter bunny yesterday and they were so excited! It was actually comical because last year Hank would not get within 50 yards and the year before Carsyn was terrified.

They both refused to sit on his lap though.

I rewarded them with a trip to the Cheesecake Factory afterwards.  People always give me funny looks when I eat out with them alone, but honestly they do really well for a 2 and 4 year old.  Or maybe they give me funny looks for taking selfless and sending to Rosie??


You may have noticed Hanky's new 'do in the Easter pic.  #insertsadface

It was time to give his curls another trim.

I promptly took him for a cupcake immediately after.


I had to mention this.  

Sorry if you are not a Kentucky basketball fan.  In summary we were scheduled to play WVU in a sweet sixteen tournament game last night and their players got a little braggy,  I think they basically said be prepared for our record to be 36-1.  That was basically the score at one point of the game as we blew them out of the water.  LOVE. MY. CATS.


Every year I pack on the winter pounds.  This year was the worst ever.  I've been running like a mad woman and trying to eat healthier to get ready for summer.  Part of me wants to kick ass and get in the best shape of my life.  The other part of me wants to eat pizza and succumb to wearing swim dresses by the pool all year.  Tune in to see what happens..

Oh and be sure to link up with Darci and others for Five on Friday!

Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

cats cats cats

If you live in the state of Kentucky right now there's probably one thing your wondering.. Will the cats bring home the NCAA championship.

If you don't you probably either A) don't know what I'm talking about or B) wish all of us members of the #BBN (that's big blue nation for those that don't know) would shut up talking about it.

My mom is probably the cats number 2 fan.
My father in law is probably number 1.
I'd say I'm somewhere in between.

So its a no brainer if I'm offered up the chance to go watch the SEC tourney I'm going to say yes.

The hubby and I ventured down to Nashville and watched the Cats bring home the SEC tournament championship.

We caught up with old and new friends.

Dined on some fine cuisine.

Killed time walking the streets and watching the boring games.

And even got dressed up for a few nights out and karaoke.

The kids were in good hands at Camp Rosie and at Granny and Papaw's house and before we left we went to Build A Bear for the babes to get some Willie Cauley Stein bears.

Let's Go Cats!!!

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015


Are you sick of snow?
And if you answered no to that question would you like to house swap?

Here in KY we've had two over one foot snowfalls in the last few weeks.

We were well prepared for the last one and it looked something like this.

I believe I was on the phone with my sister and saw my hubby come skating down the road around mid afternoon.  In all of our going on 15 years of marriage I have never seen him leave work early due to weather.  Like NEVER.

We stocked up on frozen foods, wine, and milk and hunkered down in out basement for a few days.

We played 1932 games of hide and go seek and had American Girl sleepovers.

Everyone in the family kept asking me to send them pics of what the kids thought of the snow and this is what they got.

Every time I begged Hank to go out and play he would say "I not like cold."  Shane has decided that's a sure sign we need to move south.  And I was beginning to think he might be onto something.

I ventured to camp rosie earlier this week to have my hair done (#priorities) and sort of got snowed in here.  Or maybe I should say got snowed out of Lexington.

We coaxed Hank into going outside by telling him we were going to ride the Ranger.

After that he decided it wasn't so bad and went on a tube ride with his sister.

And just like that, my boy is a snow loving machine.

They played until their little toes were numb and then wobbled inside for some hot refreshments.

I might be a little sick of the white stuff but I never said it had lost its magic.


My cat is purring beside me and it's the only thing holding me together right now. I'm not suicidal, I'm just tired. Tired of be...