Senin, 24 Maret 2014

On leaving the littles

W and I ventured down to Atlanta to watch the Cats play in the SEC tournament last weekend.  Ps- Did y'all watch them beat Wichita State yesterday?! I swear all of Kentucky (except that little area around a town that starts with L)was so excited! 

We went to Nashville last year and since I was still nursing Hank the kids were in tow.  Luckily Rosie and my sister's family tagged along and we had a good time.

Between nursing and W's busy work schedule we haven't carved out any alone time since the kids came along. It wasn't necessarily planned..more just a situation of circumstance.

This year we decided to make this a trip without the kids and it was my first time leaving them.  They both had stayed away from me a night or two due to illness or preference but I had never left them to go on a trip. My thoughts were and always have been that both my kids love trips so why not let them tag along?

We started talking to Carsyn and W asked her what it would take to stay away from mommy and daddy a few nights. First she said it would probably take a trip to Disney World. Then she added she'd like some new princess dresses.

So, with bags full of princess dresses and trucks stocked at Rosie's we headed south.

We ate leisurely brunches and lunches.

We stayed out too late, enjoyed the company of friends, and cheered like crazy cat fans during games.

We had such a good time but I missed the littles so much despite the fun I knew they were having at Rosie's and Granny's.  We ran into bad weather on the way home and ended up spending an extra night away from the kids and I might have gotten a little grouchy camped out in a hotel on the TN line. Sorry hubby.

I think the kids actually missed me too!

I thought I would panic at the thought of being so far away from the kids but if I'm being honest I was fine.  Every time I talked to them they were laughing and having a great time. Rosie and my MIL are great with the kids and they're nuts over their Papaws too.

We watched almost every game and were so busy I think that helped me not think about missing them.  

I would definitely leave them for a quick getaway again... Just not anytime soon....and for no more than 3 days.

So how about y'all?  Do you make it a point to take trips without the kids?

Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Let's Talk TV..

I like to say I am not a big TV watcher, but maybe I am??

I prefer to wait until the kids are in bed and watch a show I've DVR'd or catch up on a series on Netflix.  Seems that's the way most moms are.  Maybe its because TV watching becomes sacred after you have littles and Nick and Disney Jr take over your house??

I watched Revenge since day 1 but got totally lost last season.  I quickly caught up and honestly I think its my favorite show right now.  I am so #teamaiden but the last few episodes have me leaning #teamjack.  How about you?

Scandal is a much watch show for me too.  Thanks to Erin I've been watching since almost day one.  I usually pour a glass of red and drool over Jake and scream at Olivia for being so blinded by the POTUS.  

Am I the only one that thinks Fitz is a bit of a…tool?

Pretty Little Liars is definitely a show that sucks you in.  Its my girl Amber's fault Ricarda and I spend too many late nights sending texts back and forth.  I am still not caught up, but I never see where that show is heading.  Ricarda and I kid and call each other Aria and Spencer.  Can you guess which one is which?  Who are you?

I haven't found a friend yet that watches When Calls The Heart on the Hallmark Channel.  Unless you count my great aunt.  And she isn't obsessed with Mountie Jack like me..So anyone wanna chat about it?  Hit me up :)

Changing pace completely House of Cards is another show that sucks you in. Unfortunately it's so dark. Sometimes I struggle with that. Like I need to take a shower after I watch.. Just me?

Last but not least…Please tell me you caught The Bachelor this season.  I watched the last episode and was so glad I did not waste valuable TV time on Juan Pablo and his conceited, entitled attitude.  

Will y'all watch the Bachelorette?

Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

Carsyn's Minnie Festival

Back…ahem…6 or so months ago Carsyn turned 3 and we celebrated with a Minnie Party.  Everyone loved the fall theme from last year so we went with it and painted pumpkins pink.

We placed ears at the entrance of the party and placed pink and purple polka dots down the path leading to the tables.

We had glitter tattoos and a cupcake walk for the kids.  They could care less about the cupcake walk but loved the tattoos.

Carsyn was the one who actually decided the kids tables should have cupcakes and polka dotted table cloths.

I thought some nice fall food would be perfect this year and decided to do a chili bar.  The downside- it was about 90 degrees in the sun.  The upside was everyone said they really enjoyed it.

We just had finger foods and drinks on the other table.

We served strawberry lemonade and handed out Minnie cookie for party favors.

Of course we kept with the traditional hay ride, corn maze, and pumpkin picking.

Did I mention the highlight of the party was the May clan visiting?! I cannot believe this year there will be 4 of them!

So I say every year I missed getting a picture of a certain person or group of people and this year W took over the camera.  And while I'm grateful, it also means we did not a single family picture.

Carsyn enjoyed herself so much.  She couldn't stop smiling all day.

And Hank was such a trooper. He ate cake and got loved on from granny and his aunts!

I say it all of the time, but I'm just so blessed to be this little girl's momma!

Happy birthday Carsyn…I can't wait to paint pumpkins silver and white this year.  Here's to hoping Uncle Robby and Pops can grow a pumpkin big enough to turn into a carriage.

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Weekend recap and an oscar thought or two

Happy Monday friends!! Are y'all snowed in? We are and I'm trying my best to embrace it. Definitely a pajama day here, but it's nice to slow down after a busy weekend. 

We got up at the crack of dawn Saturday morning to go to Maddox's basketball game. He's such a hustler. I love that he takes it so seriously. 

Hank really enjoyed it and sat in pop's lap most of the time.

Carsyn was enamored by the cheerleaders.

We had a birthday party afterwards and I figured the kids would be killed. Hank napped on the way to the party so it took him a few minutes to wake up but the kids had the best time. 

They played with balloons and Carsyn and Maddox rollerskated for the first time.

We made it to church Sunday morning in the pouring rain. I might have told Carsyn the rain was the devil and she kept asking "where's the devil?" the whole way there. Oops. I guess that's the old regular baptist from my child hood coming out in me.

We visited W's mom and dad Sunday night and I curled up on the sofa for a few blissful moments of HOC.

Have y'all watched the first episode of season 2. Goodness gracious. I couldn't have been more surprised if I woke up with my head sewn to the carpet!

I actually watched all of the Oscars this year for the first time in forever. Ellen did such a wonderful job!

I know not everyone was a fan of the Let it Go performance but I thought it was great. And Idina looked gorgeous. 

My favorite look of the night was definitely Kate Hudson, but Jennifer Lawrence always looks smashing.

And did y'all cry during Matthew Mcconaughey's speech? It seemed so sincere and genuine. 

I actually thought the writers of Let It Go stole the show with their acceptance speech though. 

What were your thoughts?

Are y'all snowed in too?

Stay warm!


My cat is purring beside me and it's the only thing holding me together right now. I'm not suicidal, I'm just tired. Tired of be...