Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

Weekend recap

I may not be getting my blogging mojo back.. (Ahem I never did a recap of our spring break or Carsyn's birthday last fall), but I'm going to try to be more consistent with blogging about our little moments.  Even if my weekend recap scoots in on a Thursday.

Time is flying by and as much as I try to savor little moments I know someday they'll be faint little memories.

I think Carsyn's favorite place in the world is the shopping mall.  I credit that partly to the Disney Store and the Cheesecake Factory, but honestly the little girl likes getting dressed up and going somewhere.

Saturday evening we did just that.

I wore this.

I posted this pic on insta for a little sun glass poll.

And the majority of you liked the brown better so that's what I went with!

Sunday I met up with my sister for a walk.

She hooked me up with the prettiest peonies from her yard.

And I got to chase this little nugget around for a while.

Did I mention I let the hubby borrow my Fitbit for one day so he could prove that he was more active than me?

This is what his day looked like! Crazy cakes.  Who knew playing golf was such a workout?  I think he walked 6 miles!

I'm stepping up my game.

Jumat, 15 Mei 2015

Five on Friday


I asked Carsyn her favorite day of the week yesterday and she said "Wednesday. What's yours?" I said Saturday or Sunday because we spend time with daddy. And she said oh yeah. That's nice.

But Friday is pretty awesome too.  Wednesday is ballet day in case you were wondering. 

Here's a few of my Friday favorites…


This song.  On repeat. 

I apologize to my kids, my husband, and anyone else who happens to be in a car with me. I'm on a bit of an Eric church kick.  For some reason I like to listen to a certain artist over and over until I've basically memorized every word of every song.

Hey Mel! Remember that time I made you listen to e street radio for 8 straight hours. :)


Olivia Pope. What will my DVR do without you!?  Anyone else wanna chat about that crappy ending? #teamjake

And yes I'm using my fireplace in May. Do you know it's 62 degrees down here when we crank the A/C upstairs? Crazy cakes.


I love burning my Capri Blue candle from Anthro this time of year.  The scent really carries throughout the whole house.


My Happy Everything mug pretty much goes everywhere with me.  It even makes green smoothies taste good. #sortof


Hank is what you may call a bit of a finicky eater.  He likes what he likes and there's not much of a gray area.  He ate a pound of bacon yesterday.  Am I a bad parent for allowing him to do that?  I found a 3 lb (uhmmmm) slab at the grocery and was pumped.  He's going to be so happy!


Am I allowed to have 6?? I think so if it means including a pic of the kiddos.  They are really enjoying the weather this week!

Cheers to the weekend friends! 

Senin, 11 Mei 2015

Mother's Day Weekend

Happy Monday folks!

Hope y'all had a great weekend!  The weather here has been absolutely beautiful and we spent a lot of time outdoors this weekend.

Friday Carsyn said she felt like taking me to get a mani pedi for Mother's Day which was really code for her getting her nails done.

We donned our matching Lilly and headed out.  

Can I just insert a little flashback to my first Mother's Day as a momma right here?

Time flies mommas!! Enjoy those precious babies while you can!

Hank insists in laying in my lap the whole time.  Poor buddy.

Saturday we drove up to EKY.  I dropped the kiddos off to swim at my in laws and Shane went 4 wheeling with the boys so I could go to my friend Ricarda's makeup class.  We had so much fun.

We took Rosie out to dinner afterward.

Is my momma hot or what?!

MY MIL sent me this pic of Hank….he loves the pool so much.

We made it to church Sunday and met up with these beauties.

After church we went back to my in laws and swam a while. Lucky for me my MIL grabbed her phone early that morning and said I want pictures!! Its such a struggle with 2 little ones. 

I took a photography class a month ago and still haven't been using my big camera like I wish..sigh.

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

Five on Friday


I'm always the last person to hop on any bandwagon, but usually eventually do so I don't know why I prolong the inevitable.  I bought a fitbit in efforts to be less of a sloth.  I think it helps.  I look at that dang piece of rubber and am reminded it records my every move.  Or lack thereof.  I'm sure I'll be tired of it in a few weeks.


Speaking of being less of a sloth.  I finally dusted off the hubby's valentines day present #weareromantic and took her for a test drive.  I have to admit that my love/hate relationship with the treadmill is still on full force. I love the programs and the convenience…I hate being confined.


I'm still rocking to Eric Church as you can see from above.  Mel treated me to a concert last night and it was so good.  If you have a chance to see him live go.

(grainy concert photo to prove we were there)

I wore this.

And then got to the concert and realized we left this in the car.


So I did what any good momma would do and tied it to the car door for my BIL to pick up and drop off to the hubs.


I'm so excited for Mother's Day every year because it means matching Lilly for me and the munchkins.  My MIL makes Carsyn's AG doll a dress to match and she sent me the above pic today.  #insertallthesmilingemojis


No matter how many new wines I try this is consistently my favorite red.  Maybe its just because it has jam in the title.

Happy Mother's Day weekend friends!

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

Weekend Recap

We started the weekend a little early this week.  Rosie came down Thursday to help me finish working on the kids playroom and we decided to reward everyone with a trip to the movies.

This is what it looks like when you go to the 10:00 show.

I kept laughing because I couldn't believe we had the theatre all to ourselves.

Carsyn really enjoyed the movie and Hank rally enjoyed his sprite and popcorn.  And going around reclining all the seats.

Side note. Apparently I convince myself that I'm really good at projects when in reality I'm not.  I have no patience.  I really wanted to paper the bookshelves in the kid's playroom and thought I could knock it out in a few hours. 

Truth is it took the help of Rosie and most of the day.

Here's a sneak peek.

As you can see from the mess below I'm still working on organization.

Saturday we had finally recovered and headed out to Keeneland to do a little derby tailgating.

I've been waiting a whole year to use these cute glasses Dana got us.

This girl was so proud of her ensemble.

They love picnics with Maddox and Emersyn.

And Frisbee tossing with daddy.

Ahhh! Spring in KY is the best!


My cat is purring beside me and it's the only thing holding me together right now. I'm not suicidal, I'm just tired. Tired of be...