Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Weekend Recap

Trying to get back in the swing of things with my weekend recap... I'm fairly certain January would and will consist of a lot of "snowed in" again!

In exciting, yet depressing news I finally finished Gossip Girl Friday night. Sniffle. Tear. I'm honestly considering starting it again. Because I have nothing better to do. The kids can take care of themselves while I'm glued to the tv, right?

In true recent fashion we were snowed in on Saturday. W would argue we weren't because he loves to prove he's a hero by venturing out in ice, snow, and slush to grab the last loaf of bread at the grocery. But it gives me a good excuse to wear pjs and be a sloth all day. The kids took colossal 3 hour naps and I fueled up on afternoon coffee and reading. 

I'm currently reading the Candace Cameron Bure book. What about y'all? 

Sunday it was time to rejoin humanity and since church services were postponed until 2 I figured we had no excuse to hibernate any longer. We got dressed in our Sunday best and made it on time!

I want to insert here how much I enjoyed the service this weekend. The pastor spoke of being the salt of the earth. Growing up I always heard that phrase when describing an upstanding church member. But after listening today I got the message we all as a society should focus on being more salty. I got to thinking about what kind of example I set for the kids. And truthfully came up disappointed. I lose my patience too often and need to do better.  

(And a big thanks/hugs to Susie for making sure my babes are happy in the nursery so I can hear the Lord's word.)

We wrapped up the weekend with dinner at O'Charley's with Rosie.

Please tell me I remember correctly that eating out with an 18 month old requires the patience of Job.. And a gold medal.  Seriously, Hank is usually decent in a restaurant. I just get stressed when he starts dipping rolls in ketchup.

Could there be a better weekend ending than midnight couch cuddles ;)

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Emersyn Kingsley

My sweet niece, Emersyn Kingsley is 2 months old!

It seems like yesterday we were all smitten with her upon our first meeting.

And here she is at one month.

Sweet Emersyn, aunt Jensie loves you to pieces.

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Nap Time?

I will preface this by saying I'm blessed with kids that love to nap...90 percent of the time.  That does come with some disadvantages, like a 3 year old that sits up til midnight and an 18 month old that sits up til 9.  Luckily they sleep late and take daily naps at the same time.  Parenting is a give and take relationship and I've realized getting a 2 hour kid free window in the middle of the day is worth the sitting up late.  I will also say it took a while to get the kids on a regular napping schedule so if you're a new parent-Don't fret.  You'll find something that works for you.

So, with that being said I start planning what I'll do during naptime that day as soon as I get up.  During the holidays I'd wrap a few presents or shop online.  Sometimes I do a little bit of dinner prep. If its days I work I usually use that time to get things done-invoicing, payroll, etc.

I also may use the time to blog, or catch up reading blogs.  Lately I've been trying to work on uploading and printing pictures and scrapbooking.  Clearly not enough as I haven't started my 2013 Project Life.

Lots of times I pour a cup of coffee and read a little.  Or make my grocery list or menu plan.

Rarely I squeeze in a workout and even more rarely I get fully dressed with makeup and the whole 9 yards.

Truthfully, the first 30 minutes of naptime consists of picking up a few toys and dishes.  Lots of times Carsyn will ask for water or to go pee so I'm prepared to be close by.

If I'm being honest lately I've been napping with the kids too.  And while I do get a nice burst of energy late at night I also feel tremendous guilt.  

Perhaps that's because on those days W gets home and I'm in PJs or my yoga pants, with stringy hair and unpainted face.  And there's nothing wrong with that except MY embarrasment.

So today I conducted a little experiment.  I set the timer on my phone to see exactly how long it took me to get fully gussied up.  Meaning hair done, full makeup, and dressed in something other than workout clothes.

And I was shocked to see it was well over an hour.  I will add that I packed for Rosie's house while I got ready and that may have added to my get ready time.

I will also add I realize I'm still wearing leggings and some may not consider that dressed up.  And I'm ok with that.

So.....How you do you spend nap time?  Do you have a specific plan?  Do you just wing it?  Do you like to get things done or enjoy your me time?

Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

One day I will look back and laugh

There will be a point in your mommy life that a 10 minute shower will be a luxury. You'll throw your 18 month old in bed, prop your 3 year old that thinks she's a teenager in front of Liv and Maddie with a yogurt and plot your escape. You'll gather necessities, pour a glass of wine and tell your toddler mommy needs a shower, not to move and come get her if it's an emergency. You'll be singing John Mayer to the top of your lungs and your hair will be at full slather when you hear the urgent wails..."Mom! I need to poop."

So you hop out of the shower remembering your daughter is in full ballerina mode and can't possibly de-tutu fast enough. You will remove slippers, tights, and tutus and place her on the potty in which she replies the urge has left her.

You tell her to keep trying and reassure her Mommy is there and hop back in the shower. You haven't  got the shampoo rinsed out before your princess proclaims "I did it! All finished!"

You hop back out of the shower ever so gracefully because the tiles are soaking wet and offer to ballerin-ifa your daughter once again.  While in the process she'll repulsively say "Ewwww! You're getting me all wet! Take it off!" "Dry my dress now!" In which you'll sigh, swig a drink of your wine and think quickly of a compromise.

Being the brilliant, seasoned mom you are you begin to barter. "Tell you what Carsyn", you say. "If you let Mommy finish showering she'll pour you a big bowl of Cheerios!" (Important tidbit- kids love Cheerios. I pack them everywhere. They make really big messes. Which is why kids probably like them).  She mulls it over as I stand shivering. "Ok!"she resigns,  "Put my blue Cinderella panties on, get my blue tutu, and find my lip gloss."

Oh mom. You were outwitted again.

But you don't give up.

You scramble and do all those things, naked, sopping wet, and sudsy headed.  Mentally high fiving yourself for locating the lip gloss under the sofa you return to shower...

And it's like a blast from the Rockies.

In a feeble attempt to avoid being frozen solid you quickly rinse, dry and reach to take one more sip when you here it...


I spilled Cheerios!!

Come clean me up!!!

I'm waiting on the steps.

Oh, my darling ballerina.  Good thing you're cute.

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014


I think I've set a new record for myself by posting a "Five on Friday" on Sunday.


This little gal started ballet class on Wednesday and just had the time of her life.  True story:  As we were driving to watch the Nutcracker in December Carsyn melted down when she realized she wasn't going to be on stage.  I reminded her that she had to be potty trained before starting dance and she came home that night refusing to wear diapers.  Come January 15 she is 100% PT.  If y'all have any PT questions please feel free to ask.  The one piece of advice I didn't listen to enough was wait until she's ready.  I waited until the minute she turned 3 and started forcing it on her.  A mere 2 months later she did it on her own terms.  And although 3 is late to the potty trained party (Rosie swears I was fully potty trained at 18 months #babygenius ;) I'm so happy the way things turned out. SUCH an easy process.  Besides the fact I usually wake up by frantic "NEED TO POTTY NOW!!" screams at 4 am.


My sweet sister got me this Kate Spade candle for Christmas and it smells SO good.  I haven't even burned it yet I like it so much. You can find here.


This guy had a new album to come out this week.  I'm downloading stat.  Y'all know I'm a Bruce nut.


In keeping with my favorite gifts theme, my SIL hooked me up with this skin care line for Christmas.  And so far I am loving it.  W asked if I'd been spray tanning recently (I guess that's a good thing), my sister told me I looked glow-y, and Rosie said my skin was looking better than ever.  The line is by glo- therapeutics.  Thanks Kris!


My favorite fashion bloggers introduced me to these boots and I'm just so in love.  Please, please find them on sale in any brown or gray color combo for me!

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

A recap of sorts

It happens every January.  I sort of hibernate.  And cook.  And nap.  And sit up too late watching TV.  And procrastinate on things like getting organized and taking the Christmas tree down.  

I did break down and recently order the Whitney English Year Designer though.  So that's a step in the right direction!

We had a low key weekend at home and cooked a lot.  W and I made the Pioneer Woman's 8 layer dip on Saturday.  We omitted the corn so maybe that should be 7 layer dip?

It was amazing, y'all.  Hank and Carsyn even dug in.  I think what made it so good was the homemade guacamole.  Seriously, the best I've ever made.

Don't you want to dive in?

I'm guessing since this is in her new cookbook its not published online anywhere.  And since its so good I'm going to type it out for y'all the way we fixed it.

7 Layer Dip via the Pioneer Woman

The Pioneer Woman pico de gallo and guacamole recipes found here.
(1) 16 oz can refried beans
(2) Tbsp taco seasoning
(1/2) C Sour Cream
(1 1/2) C Your favorite shredded cheese- We like any Mexican blend-Even better if you combine a cheddar and Monterey Jack and grate yourself (a great arm workout too)
(3/4) C sliced black olives

-Prepare the pico and guac via the Pioneer Woman.  I'd say make the full pico recipe and then add half of that to 2 cut up avocados.  Then you'll want to add a little salt and lime juice to finish the guacamole.
- Combine the beans and taco seasoning and spread in a flat layer on a platter
- Spread a thin layer of sour cream on top of this.
-Sprinkle with cheese and guacamole.
-Last layer the olives and finish with the pico de gallo.

Serve with chips!

*Note- We adjusted the amounts of a few things to suit our tastes but you may find you want to do your own adjusting.

W made Guy Fieri's Cajun Chicken Alfredo Sunday and it was equally fantastic.  

I have to add here W is an amazing cook.  He actually cooks more than I do and better than I do as well.  I used to do 70% of the cooking and since the babes came along I'd say that has reversed.  #sorryladieshestaken #hedoesdishestoo

I finally watched the first episode of this season's Downton Abbey and am just not sure I can get on board with the way things are going.  But I have had a feeling for a while these two are going to end up together.

What about y'all?

Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

so what

Life After I Dew
oh. my. goodness. I'm finally linking up with the gorgeous Shannon for a SWW.

So What If..

This is my first link up with Shannon ever....after reading her blog since our baby girls were in our bellies 3+ years ago....lame I know....

And I have a girl crush on Shannon's mom, Kelly!

but enough already!!

My Christmas tree is still up? Its my thing....I can't let it go.

And I have White Christmas and numerous Christmas movies recorded on my DVR and continue to watch them every night. (Did y'all see Let it Snow on the Hallmark Channel? Cause it was awesome.  I will forever love DJ)

I received my Emily Maynard cardi in the mail and am more excited than I care to admit.  Shameful Bachelor addict....Anyone?

I committed to making the kids sit at the kitchen table on nights I cooked and its not going so well.  I haven't been cooking a lot.  And Hank prefers to run around with a nugget in his hand so I kinda gave up.

I convince myself every year I'm going to win the HGTV Dream Home?  Its like my college professor once said when questioning his choice of buying a lottery ticket every week.. I'm not buying a lottery ticket.  I'm building a dream.  Because after I buy that ticket I allow myself to believe I might win.  And I dream about exactly what I'd do if I did win.  And that's fun.  Totally agree Dr. M....I'm dreaming of winter days on the slopes and summer days basking in the sun on Lake Tahoe.

I spend too much time on pinterest looking at makeup tutorials.  Who got the new Naked palette for Christmas?! Who wants to show me how to use it?!

Carsyn told the repairman today he looked like a woodpecker.  And introduced herself as Kristi, and Hank as Steve, and me as Candy.

Happy Hump Day folks!!  I'm off to take a much needed nap.

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014



We had a usual low key New Years Eve with the kids.  Hank and W stayed in and Rosie, Carsyn and I went out to an early dinner.

Hank just loves Rosie and it was hard to leave him but he is not big on being still in public.  He is just too curious.

I'm not much of a resolution maker.  But every year I do like to think about what I'd like to do better in the future.  Last year I think my goal was to be present.  And I still struggle with that.  I'm thinking my word this year will be enjoy.  You ever feel like a passenger on a train that is your life?  A train that's going 157 miles per hour and you're just literally holding on by a thread?  Just me?

Well, this year I'm going to try to enjoy the train ride.  Wish me luck...My conductor is an 18 month tornado. Which would leave the engineer as a 3 year old diva known as Carsyn.


Ricarda hooked me up with this recently and I'm in love.  I have no idea how to order, but I think you can directly through the Pink Zebra website.  The UPS driver even told me my house smelled great!


I love Celine.  Always have. Always will.  Rock out to her new album on a daily basis.  Doing dishes, in the bathtub, running, right now.  


Hank is the most hilarious little man.  His current favorite thing to do is sit on the sofa and eat.  Last night it was an ice cream sandwich on Rosie's settee.  I'm glad they have a special relationship.


Speaking of Rosie's house.  We just spent the night there and I'm ever so grateful for my parents.  We had so much fun and they really allow me to do fun things with the kids.  While Hank was eating ice cream sandwiches Carsyn was learning how to ride her bike and throw snowballs.

As always, I'm linking up with Darci and others for Five on Friday!

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Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

Christmas Recap

We began the first of our Christmas celebrations at my MILs.

Carsyn and Hank loved playing with Emily, Hunter, and Katie.

And, can you tell how much Hank and Carsyn adore their Aunt Kristi?

On Christmas Eve we stayed at home all day and opened presents Santa brought.  It was snowing when the kids got up and that added to their excitement even more.

I made breakfast casserole and cinnamon rolls and it was just a great low key morning before we geared up to visit all of our families.

We visited with my mom and dad and Shane's grandpa that evening.

Carsyn loved seeing Payton and Chloe and Hank loved tagging along behind them.

We spent Christmas Eve night and W's mom and dad's and opened gifts there that morning.

Isn't that Fire House the cutest thing? And I'd have to say, I think Carsyn's grocery store front is her favorite gift ever.

We went back to my mom and dad's that evening and spent some time with my sister, Bryan, and Maddox.

I love this picture so much…you can tell Hank already has gun envy.

I love these people so much. we had a very blessed Christmas and I hope you did too.


My cat is purring beside me and it's the only thing holding me together right now. I'm not suicidal, I'm just tired. Tired of be...