Senin, 23 September 2013


Carsyn Presley, my darling girl, you are 3 years old.  To say I love you more every day would be a gross understatement.

You amaze me every day and I thank God you are mine.  The three years since you have entered this world have been the best three years of my life.

3 years of yogurt loving..

3 Christmases, Easters, Halloweens, and Thanksgivings celebrated with family and friends that adore you and are enamored by your sweet personality..

3 years of paci loving..

3 years of sweet and sassy sayings like, "momma, can you sing a little smaller?" and "!" when something excites you..

3 pig pictures captured

3 birthday cakes gobbled..chocolate is your preference..

3 years of sitting up past your bedtime and loving TV..your current favorites are Austin and Ally, Team Umizoomi, Lalaloopsy, and Bubble Guppies

3 years of being the pickiest eater, chicken nuggets, cake, mac n cheese, pancakes, and grilled cheese are your go-tos
3 years of hush little baby every night before bedtime
3 years of always wanting to learn and read stories..Currently we're working on letters and when mommy or Rosie says "What letter stands for Belle?" you start playing the game with us saying "What understands for Hank?"
3 years of conversations...My aunt swore you were saying hi when you were 6 weeks old..and you haven't shut up yet. We LOVE it!! You are constantly saying "talk to me.."
3 years of road trips! You love a trip and every night before you go to sleep you ask "where we going tomorrow?"

Carsyn, mommy and dad are so proud of the girl you are. We love you baby girl!

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