Yep, totally scooting in for Five on Friday....on Saturday. Again.
I'm still rocking out to the new Kings of Leon album on a regular basis. Beautiful War might be in my top five fave KOL songs of all time. Its that good. This album reminds me of their earlier stuff too. Which I love. California Waiting anyone...anyone?
Speaking of Leons, Shane's papaw Leon turned 83 recently and we celebrated with him on Sunday. This might be my favorite picture ever. There was just so much love that day. Side note- Isn't Leon a great name? I might should have thrown it in Hank's name. Hansford Mitchell Leon Watts. Nice. And if we added my other grandfather it would be Hansford Mitchell Leon Palmer Watts. Country much?
I tend to get stabby about respecting the turkey, but I've been Christmas shopping a little early this year. I may have picked this up for myself. Oops.
Ok, I'm still respecting the turkey but there's something about this picture that makes me swoon.

Does this little bag evoke the same feeling of joy it does for you as it does for me? I ran in the Nashville Lululemon store this week while I was in town and scored some things on sale. I really think my heart may have skipped a beat.
Hope you are having a fabulous weekend friends!
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