Senin, 25 November 2013

weekend recap

Did y'all have a nice pre- Turkey day weekend or were you running around like mad getting ready?

In my recent cooking madness one thing has not changed.  I do not cook on Fridays.  I did last Friday but not doing that again any time soon.  Doesn't the thoughts of Friday night pizza make you all happy and tingly?

Just me? ...Ok.

 Carsyn and I were in much need of a girl's day so we went for a mani date on Saturday.

She loves getting her nails done and I really should take her more often.

We went to my MIL's Sunday for my SIL's birthday dinner.  We had fried chicken and the works. If I didn't already tell you, my MIL is the best cook. Confession- W used to tell me no matter what after each meal it just wasn't his mom's.  And after eating her food I completely understand!

I wore this Matilda Jane dress for the first time and got so many compliments.  I had no intention of buying it until my TK showed up at my house wearing it.  (My apologies to my mom and sister who wish chevron would die).

Carsyn and Hank were busy being their little rambunctious and demanding selves-We had such fun!

I'm off to visit my new niece!!  Hope you're having a great Monday!

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