I realize I never added pictures of Christmas decor on the blog this year. Pretty much the same ole, same ole. But here's a few for memories sake.
Living Room

Big Tree
I plan on doing a full blown Christmas picture recap…(that's for you Rosie) but here's my two favorites…Which pretty much sum up Hank and Carsyn's Christmas highs.
On Christmas Eve Hank sat in a box and ate Doritos for about a half hour.

And the one thing Carsyn repeatedly asked for was a pink phone and she was so excited to receive it.
I know some of you are OOTD fans are some are not but I figured I'd share some of my holiday outfits with y'all-especially since some of you asked questions and I might not have gotten a chance to answer.
This dress is Tory Burch and has been marked down considerably several times. Please don't be concerned that Carsyn refuses to wear pants. I'm told its a phase.
Sweater is Lilly Pulitzer, Skirt is Jcrew, and Plaid shirt is Jcrew factory. Boots are ancient..Dan Post I think.
Sweater, shirt, and skirt all Jcrew. Tory Burch Azalea flats..On sale now I believe. Cup courtesy of Sbux and the fabulous Amber, who needs to get her sexy self back to blogging ASAP.
Dress and Sweater are Lilly Pulitzer. Boots and bag are Tory Burch (thanks W!) Arm party is a mess of silver and gold- y'all do that, right?
I am sorry if that was uninteresting or TMI. Or are y'all curious sometimes and hate asking? Or would you like less selfies? I think W needs to start being my photographer? ;)
I am addicted to the Josie Maran Moroccan Line. Please go get you some.
I feel icky when I don't run and today was no exception. I laced up my new Frees and did a few miles tonight. For anyone that was wondering- Nike Frees are the best. You need to size up. All leopard prints can be found at Zappos.