Some things are traditions in this family that I will not part with. One being the trip to the tree lot.
I picked the rainiest December day I can ever remember and loaded up the kids.
Carsyn picked her favorite promptly and ran back to the truck.

This guy didn't even make it out of the truck.

But we went regardless and lugged the beauty in the house while W ranted and raved and the kids squealed with delight.
Another tradition we have is going to the local theatre to see the Nutcracker. Carsyn's friend Kyria was in it and she was just too cute.
Carsyn is obsessed with ballerinas and really thinks she is a professional one.

The kids got restless after intermission and I couldn't get them back in their seats..

Did I mention Hank's favorite part was the popcorn.

Speaking of traditons, I always get the kids in their holiday pjs and link up with a pj party on blogs or insta.
This years pic was a clear winner.
At least they love each other..
Most of the time.
We visited Santa and the picture turned out super cute.
The line was so long and the kids were such troopers.
They were excited when they finally made it to sit in the big man's lap. Let's pretend Hank isn't eating crackers. And that Santa had to be superimposed.
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