Just a little of what we've been up to...for memories sake and curious minds..
We stopped by the new house on Friday to look at a few things. You can see our new shutters in the picture here.

We discovered all the windows were rotted recently (not sure if I've spoke of that before) and they will be replaced in a few weeks. Fun stuff. Not really. But it is nice to see things finally coming together. Promise I will be bombarding you with house photos once things are settled.
Speaking of the house from day 1 I've told W I wanted to paint the brick and he has emphatically said no. Finally this weekend I think I got him on board. I posted this pic on Insta and asked y'alls opinions.
I'm kind of scared, but I know I've always loved painted brick. I think it adds such warmth and character. For our style of home I'm thinking a white or lime wash. Please, please leave me your thoughts and comments! I'm dying to talk to someone who has done it before.
We spent the weekend in the pool and I just realize each and every time we're in it how much I'm going to miss it. I guess its just one of those things you take for granted. We worked on getting the kids to swim a little without their puddle jumpers too. After about 5 minutes we were all ready to put them back on :)
I can honestly say pre-kids I cared a little more about my appearance especially when going out in public. This weekend I hopped out of the pool threw on shades and a turband and ran to the grocery. I might have prayed a little that I wouldn't run into anyone I knew. This headband is really neat and its wired! The brand is Cult Gaia I believe.
Oh, and that lobster look I'm sorta rockin? Pretty much due to the extreme heat this weekend. And I realize 95 doesn't seem hot to some of you, but I could totally move to Alaska and be a happy camper.
We spend a lot of time weekends cooking and W grilled some chicken and veggies this weekend. Carsyn said, "Oh lets put that on Insta!" and I might have cringed inwardly, but I laughed nonetheless.
She then wanted to do her own pic and it turned out pretty good if I say so myself. I was dying when she moved her little Minnie cup over to be included.
I made the Pinterest dorito chicken casserole and it was quite tasty! You can find me pinning @kycoalwife.
Lastly, my sister and her family have been vacationing in Florida for 3 long weeks and we've missed them like crazy. Thank goodness she sends me pics like these.
They're finally heading back and I can't wait to get my hands on sweet Emersyn and give Maddox a hug!
How about y'all? Where are you or did you spend your summer vacation?
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