Where has the time gone?
How did you become such a big girl?
You love being a big girl. Its so sweet but it breaks momma's heart at the same time.
I've been trying to get rid of your paci for a while but you kept telling me you needed it to sleep and would get rid of it when you're four.
Sure enough you proclaimed the morning of your birthday you were giving it to your little cousin Emersyn and you haven't looked back.
You love to pretend and have the most vivid imagination. You pretend you have friends and you're all going to a ball. You pretend a silver box is your phone and text and take pictures.
You love lip gloss and just being a girl.
You love your barbies and dolls and love playing dress up with them.
You love your baby brother and almost always give in to him to make him happy (or avoid being tackled or choked).
You love to snuggle.
You love to be read to.
All in all you are just the sweetest little girl and we felt you deserved the best birthday ever.
We started the day in Cincinatti shopping with Rosie and Hank.
We hit up Tiffany's and Saks..

I think you love to shop more than Rosie!

Of course you had to stop to reapply your lipstick several times.

We had lunch at Rock Bottom and you and Hank played around the fountain some.

We spent the rest of the day celebrating at Chuck E Cheese with Maddox and his family.
You had cake..

Played games..

And even tried your luck at the ticket blaster..

It was truly a great day.
Love you Carsyn! Please stay momma and daddy's sweet girl forever!
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