I may not be getting my blogging mojo back.. (Ahem I never did a recap of our spring break or Carsyn's birthday last fall), but I'm going to try to be more consistent with blogging about our little moments. Even if my weekend recap scoots in on a Thursday.
Time is flying by and as much as I try to savor little moments I know someday they'll be faint little memories.
I think Carsyn's favorite place in the world is the shopping mall. I credit that partly to the Disney Store and the Cheesecake Factory, but honestly the little girl likes getting dressed up and going somewhere.
Saturday evening we did just that.

I wore this.
I posted this pic on insta for a little sun glass poll.

And the majority of you liked the brown better so that's what I went with!
Sunday I met up with my sister for a walk.
She hooked me up with the prettiest peonies from her yard.
And I got to chase this little nugget around for a while.

Did I mention I let the hubby borrow my Fitbit for one day so he could prove that he was more active than me?