I'm always the last person to hop on any bandwagon, but usually eventually do so I don't know why I prolong the inevitable. I bought a fitbit in efforts to be less of a sloth. I think it helps. I look at that dang piece of rubber and am reminded it records my every move. Or lack thereof. I'm sure I'll be tired of it in a few weeks.
Speaking of being less of a sloth. I finally dusted off the hubby's valentines day present #weareromantic and took her for a test drive. I have to admit that my love/hate relationship with the treadmill is still on full force. I love the programs and the convenience…I hate being confined.
I'm still rocking to Eric Church as you can see from above. Mel treated me to a concert last night and it was so good. If you have a chance to see him live go.

(grainy concert photo to prove we were there)
I wore this.

And then got to the concert and realized we left this in the car.

So I did what any good momma would do and tied it to the car door for my BIL to pick up and drop off to the hubs.
I'm so excited for Mother's Day every year because it means matching Lilly for me and the munchkins. My MIL makes Carsyn's AG doll a dress to match and she sent me the above pic today. #insertallthesmilingemojis

No matter how many new wines I try this is consistently my favorite red. Maybe its just because it has jam in the title.
Happy Mother's Day weekend friends!
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