Truth. I've dreamed of this moment yet I've dreaded this moment.
Ask any mom with a newborn what she needs and most likely she'll say "Sleep!" Followed with "A break!!"
I didn't want to be this mom.
I wanted to be the I've got it all covered! I'm good mom! mom.
But the truth is I remember a few great moments in my new momma days.
The day my MIL came to help me when Carsyn was born.. We watched qvc while she napped and she never once questioned or commented on my mothering abilities. She just complimented, supported and nurtured.
The day my sister took a day off work to let me go shopping and get my nails done.
The days my aunt visited.
My aunt Judy came in our guest bedroom where I was enjoying a much needed nap and proclaimed Carsyn is talking!! And she's only 6 weeks old! I was like great! She talked all night and that's why I need sleep. And she insisted Carsyn was destined to be in the entertainment industry.
The days following Hanky's birth when my aunt Jan decided she was going to pay us a visit. She cooked us dinner with fried chicken, green beans, mac and cheese and I can't remember what else. Truth is I was wasn't being the best wife. I was in pure survival mode trying to keep up with 2 under 2.
Of course I remember the day Rosie retired. Heck. I remember what I wore to her retirement dinner. She was always there. And continues to be. There were many a days she rocked hanky to sleep. And I credit her to teaching Carsyn her letters and numbers.
But you know what? In retrospect the days I crashed in bed without showering because I was too busy "momming" outweigh those days anyway.
Ahhh, the dang "you're gonna miss this" "these are the best days of your life" cliches begin to really hit home.
And now my babes are off to school- four half days for Carsyn and two for Hank. I don't think I'll know what to do with myself, but clearly they're going to rock it.
And all those sleepless nights and worry that they're going to feel I abandoned them-almost gone.

And that worry Hank may have an accident at school-Well, I can quit worrying about that also. We jumped over that hurdle before the first day ;)
I'm so proud of these kids.
So fond of my husband for being there every step of the way as we begin this journey.
So thankful to Rosie who showed up on their first day and all family members who sent emails and texts, and made phone calls.
And last but not least thankful to my sister who dropped off a bottle of skinny girl margarita the night before their first day.
The sun is shining, the pool is open, and we're off to enjoy the rest of a summer day…I'm thinking its time to crack that bottle.
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