I swear I thought I'd get my blogging mojo back when the babes started school but now I find it harder than ever.
The few hours I have to myself Tuesdays and Thursdays I find myself trying to conquer a mile long to do list…And lets face it, who wants to sit at a computer with this gorgeous fall weather we've been having.
Speaking of gorgeous fall weather, Sunday I took the kids to Evans Orchard for Apple Picking.
It was a school event, but once we got there we realized none of their classmates showed up. Or else it was so crowded we couldn't find them. I was afraid the kids would be disappointed, but they actually took the opportunity to enjoy each other's company. We listened to a short story about the importance of "apple gleaning" in the Bible and then picked apples for a while. Carsyn chose to donate her apples to the local farmers market and Hank decided to keep his for himself.

Speaking of gorgeous fall weather, we took our annual Gatlinburg trip this year on Labor Day weekend. We did not experience glorious fall weather. For those that enjoy visiting this area I would NOT recommend going Labor Day weekend. It was SO hot and crowded. The kiddos had a great time though and we made sure we participated in the normal traditions.
Making Maddox ride the kiddie rides..

Breakfast at Apple Barn..

And any pancake house we can find..
Riding the cars at Dollywood..
Poor Carsyn had a crazy virus the whole trip and ran a fever at various times. When we were at Dollywood it poured the rain for about an hour. The kids were such troopers, bless their hearts.
Playing mini golf..
Every year we visit Carsyn wants to go in the Upside Down house. We had the opportunity this year and the creaking noises flipped her out. I made her stand in front for a picture and she was not happy. I know she'll think its funny in the future.

We did get to eat next door at the Hard Rock Cafe and introduce the kids to their fabulous sundaes.
It was love at first sight for Hank.
We stayed at the Park Vista this year and the view was pretty awesome.
The location was great too, but I still prefer renting a chalet or cabin.

So, that's a little of what we've been up to!
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