Hey hey friends! I keep telling myself I'll get back to writing more regularly, but it just doesn't seem to be happening.
Truth is life is just busy. Beautifully busy, but busy nonetheless. The babes are finishing up their first year of preschool and gosh I wish time would slow down.
I have been trying to take a picture of them on their favorite stump to play on at school to have for memories sake.

Speaking of memories sake, the kids got to see the Lilly jeep at the Peppermint Palm recently and Carsyn became obsessed. I think girlfriend thinks Santa is going to bring her one this year.

My husband walked by my closet one day and said "Jen, you've got too much Lilly...how basic can you be?" But when you find something you love you stick with it right? And can we all agree the prints and style keep getting better and better? I mean how fun is this print?
And the cute little jumpsuits they make for girls?

And this dress is my favorite EVER. Its called the Alanna and sold out online but word is Lilly is doing another in June...The countdown is ON.
Have you tried their luxletic line?

I LOVE the skirts. When I ran long distances I used to only wear skirts #becausethighchaffingaintnobodysfriend but somewhere along the way I sort of traded them in for capris. I've gotten two of these this season and wear them a lot. They are short but they have shorts underneath so no worries.
I snapped this pic to remind myself the Whole Foods sunshine smoothie is my favorite. I thought I'd change into a breakfast eater once I started getting up earlier to get the babes to school but no such luck. On days they both go I like to go for a run as soon as I get home, but don't like to run on an entirely empty stomach. I usually drink one of these in the car and its a perfect balance of not too much sitting on my stomach and not running with a growling belly.
I'm slowly getting back into my running groove. And did my first 3 miles under 30 minutes since the broke foot. I attribute that to Sturgill's new album which is all sorts of amazing. If you live local and saw him last night please don't rub it in.

After breaking my foot and getting cleared to work out again in Spring I started doing Barre. I had only been a few times last fall, but fell in love. Well, its sort of a love/hate relationship.
I think its the hardest workout I've ever done, but its also the most rewarding. People always asked me why I liked running and it was just so many things...after that first mile when you hit your stride ...the energy boost you get afterward...the ability to clear your mind and just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. With barre its the way you can actually feel your body getting stronger. I really hope to continue doing it and I'll let you know what kind of results I see.
Any of y'all barre addicts?
Back to the babes......We went to see The Jungle Book and they loved it so much. If you haven't been you need to go..its amazingly awesome.

I love how they are BFFs.

Speaking of BFFs, we've been having play dates with a friend and her 3 kids weekly. We load up on the golf cart and head to her house and the kids have a blast.
I look forward to play dates as much as the kids I think because we actually get to indulge in a little adult conversation over a glass of wine.
Are they not adorable?
Hope your week is off to a great start!
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