Let's wrap up this summer in pictures, shall we?
We visited Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge per Maddox's request like always..
We played a lot of putt putt.
And Rosie completely clobbered us all.
We visited Dollywood and rode our favorites..
We then celebrated Maddox's birthday with a pirate party complete with plank walks and buried treasure.

Then it was time for the hubby's birthday..
We celebrated in blue for his and then Carsyn and I started mine off with mani/pedis.
Then we had dinner at Palmer's with the family.
Then we wrapped up summer with a visit to Wild Dunes.

And while I'm sure you can tell the kids and I had a blast everyday I'm sure happy Rosie was with us.
It was also quite nice to sneak away to the pool for alone time every day during nap time.(thanks sista for the tote!)

The view wasn't quite bad either.

Perhaps the funnest thing on the trip was meeting up with the adorable "Sweet Peas Momma" and her beautiful family!

Peace out summer, peace out beach, and peace out humidity!
I'm so ready for fall and pumpkin spice lattes, and football, and pumpkins and lots of fun things in store!
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